Teams and Clubs

Students from grades 1 to 4, have the opportunity to participate in various clubs throughout the year: choir, chess, drama, Guy's read, borden ball.

Grade 4 students are able to participate in Board school teams in such sports as Cross Country, Borden Ball and Track and Field. Announcements are made so that students can try out for teams. A number of intramural sports are also offered at recess during the colder months.

Our grade 4s are able to become WITS student leaders and volunteer during recesses to help younger students resolve issues in the yard. Students participate in training sessions at the beginning of the year.

Please let the Principal know if you are available to run a club or assist with one for a set number of weeks at either the morning or afternoon recess. Parents would be asked to commit for a 25 minute block (10:30-10:55 am or 1:15-1:40 pm) for approximately 6-8 weeks. A police check will be needed if a parent is in charge of a club.

Thank you!